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Showing posts from October, 2020

Social Media and Relationships. Do social media harms you? . And what about your relationship !

Social media is a boon. Or, is it a bane? Thought it has many benefits and uses, there are plenty of social media problems that trouble us. Thought there are many reason to use it but there can be some dangerous reason not to use them.   Three billion people, around 40% of the world population, uses social media and we're spending an average of two hours every day sharing, liking, commenting, and updating our daily activities. According to data--                 Worldwide, there are over 2.70 billion monthly active  users  (MAUs) as of June 30,  2020 . This is a 12 percent increase in  Facebook  MAUs year-over-year. This is compared to 2.38 billion MAUs for Q1  2019  and 2.38 billion MAUs for December  2019 .  This data shows that daily, monthly or yearly active social media user are increasing. And the fact is some are using for fun and some don't know about it but they because of imitation u...

What skills should I learn to become a full-stack developer? Smart work.

  In this blog we will see how a beginner can become a full stack web developer in a very short timespan. Full stack developers are developers who work with both the front and back end of a website or application. They’re familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and one or more backend languages. Hence the term “full stack”—they’ve got all the web development skills to build sites and apps from start to finish. If you want to become a full stack developer, you need to know HTML, CSS, JavaScript along with a backend but making the right choice in an era where there are a lot of options creates a lot of confusion for newbie developers. The Bucket Technique As a part of this technique, we will study each technology just enough to start building sites.  My breakdown for frontend and backend development is as follows: Front End Development: 80% HTML 60% CSS 50% JavaScript 20% Database (Insert, Update, Delete) After you finish learning all these technologies, you will be able to build g...